Monday, August 19, 2013

Most Popular Post

I've been blogging for over 5 years.  I mainly use my blog as a journal of sorts and to keep my family and friends updated on my life.  However, every now and then a random stranger will appear on my blog.

Why, you ask?!

Well, many of these lucky individuals most likely put "plopping before and after" into a google search where my blog post appears to be the fifth link.

Yes friends, my plopping post has been viewed 724 times.

But that's not my most popular blog post.  What?!  Any guesses?

My most popular blog post was the Jugular of the Jabberwocky coming in at 1,993 views.  Ridiculous.   Although my total blog count is at 13,861 that single post still accounts for the most hits to my blog, and about 15% of my views.  Just thought you should know.

1 comment:

  1. That is very interesting, maybe this will as well since it had the name in it :)
