Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Crazy Staff

My staff is hilarious! They consistently crack me up. Whether it's the constant singing (which I LOVE and gladly join in), the rollerblading down the hall to stick up door tags (they asked and it was before residents were here), or the dart game which I've had to permanently ban from my apartment (otherwise we'd never get anything done), they make me laugh! Another great thing about them is that they know when to be serious. We've had some great moments thus far and I anticipate more to come! I am thoroughly impressed by them and am excited to see what God is going to do through this staff this year!

One night we went on a surprise excursion to one of my favorite spots in Waco. They were such good sports, even though many of them aren't fans of the 'outdoors'. Additionally, Allison taught us all how to skip rocks on the lake. There was a great competition and at one point everyone skipped a rock or two.
Now my staff isn't perfect, no one is, and there will definately be things we will all work on, individually and collectively, but I'm excited to walk this next year with this crazy group!
From left to right: Eric, Omari (resident chaplain), Will, and Jack
From left to right: Andrea, Kalie, Gretchen, Allison, and Kala


  1. OOOOH, this is so great! I'm glad things are going well! Mostly I just wanted to say that I love Kala and I remember Will from when he was at LINE CAMP - seriously, how is he starting his third year, right? - and I love him, too.
    That's all - get in touch when you have time, Shan.

  2. good thing you still love me the best.

  3. I was going to say exactly what TR said... I love Kala! :)

    Hope all is well with you... update more when you have time! I know the beginning of the semester is so crazy for you. Take care of yourself! :)
