I know that many of you have been wondering and asking about my thyroid
and how things are going, here's a recap:
September: went to the doctor for my foot, he found a mass on my
thyroid, from there had an ultrasound
October: had a biopsy done (showing no abnormal cells)
November: had more tests run, another attempt to drain the
cyst...surgery was recommended
December: saw an endocrinologist who also recommended surgery
This brings me to yesterday. Yesterday, I saw Dr. Lowder. He was
fabulous! He was personable, answered ALL my questions, and was very
knowledgeable and reassuring. After talking for awhile, we scheduled
the surgery...for this next Tuesday (the 15th). Although it seems
rather soon, it's probably a very good thing. I won't have much time to
worry :) Truly, I have had a peace about this...and from this freaked
out of needles individual...that can ONLY be a God thing.
So this is what it will look like:
Tuesday morning at 5:45am, I will be admitted to Providence Hospital.
The surgery itself probably won't happen until 8am...oh how I love
waiting! At that time, they will remove the right half of my thyroid.
While he's in there, he'll also check out my left side to see if he can
find any of the tiny tiny cysts...if he can, he'll also remove those.
The surgery itself should be less than an hour. At that point they'll
move me back to a 'normal' room and allow me to recover. When I wake
up, he said I shouldn't be in too much pain. My throat will be sore
(from the tube they put down my throat for surgery), my neck will
obviously be sore...and I'll be on pain meds :) At that point the
doctors will play it by ear. He said that if I'm feeling okay by the
end of the evening, I can go home! I am really hoping (and praying) for
this! I have no desire to stay in a hospital any longer than necessary!
The recovery time depends on the surgery and as long as there aren't
complications, I should be feeling better by the end of the week. He
mentioned that the biggest compliant about the surgery was general aches
and tiredness. Overall, he said if one has to have surgery, this isn't
a bad one to have.
So...I would love it if you would pray for me (and my nerves) as I
anticipate the surgery, that everything would go quickly and smoothly
during surgery, that I'd be allowed to sleep in my own bed that night,
and that I would recover quickly and to full health (no more of this
thyroid business)...and/or anything else you would like to pray would
also be appreciated! :) I trust that the Lord will use this experience,
as I hope he already has, to bring glory to him! THANK YOU for your
prayers and support!